
When they’re done right, antiheroes can be some of the most beloved and interesting characters in any medium. While Marvel Rivalsmay already feature fan-favorite antiheroes like Venom and the Punisher, that doesn’t mean the developers can’t reach into their endless supply of Marvel characters and add a few more to the roster. And with how popular some antiheroes are, it’s only a matter of time before they do.

Antiheroes don’t follow the same rules as traditional heroes. They’re often willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, rejecting the morality or ideals that might hold a regular hero back. Typically, they have tragic backstories designed to connect with and evoke emotion from readers or viewers. Every Marvel fan playing Rivals has a favorite antihero they’d love to see added to the game.


Elektra Is a Skilled Assassin Turned Hero

First Appeared in Daredevil #168

Elektra is a fan-favorite antiheroine because she has had a troubled past, and fans can connect with her. She has had a hard time for most of her life, struggling with abuse and assault from her family. Fans adore her because she was able to power through her hardships and become someone stronger for it, even if her actions and motives aren’t always pure. There are quite a few melee characters already in the game, but Elektra would be able to compete with every one of them.

Not only is she a highly trained assassin, but Elektra’s skills and signature sais would make her a powerful duelist. She has trained extensively in various forms of martial arts and can handle a wide array of weapons skillfully and with ease. Her senses, strength, and speed all border on superhuman, making her a formidable foe that players might not want to see on the enemy team.


There Aren’t Many Mercenaries Greedier Than Paladin

First Appeared in Daredevil #150

Almost every time he is seen or interacts with other heroes, Paladin is working some sort of job or contract he was hired for. It always seems that his interests align with the highest bidder and that everything else is irrelevant. He has taken down Captain America single-handedly and has attempted assassinations on other heroes like Daredevil and the Punisher. Paladin would work out really well in Marvel Rivals as either a duelist or a vanguard.


10 Most Fun Marvel Rivals Characters, Ranked

With an impressive roster of iconic characters, as fans team up for Marvel Rivals, many wonder which among them are the game’s most fun to play.

With his superhuman abilities and combat skills, Paladin could be a formidable underdog that catches players off guard. Many players likely aren’t familiar with Paladin, making it harder for them to anticipate his strength. As a skilled marksman and mercenary, he brings plenty of versatility and could easily have a strong, user-friendly kit, much like Overwatch‘s Soldier-76.


Even Though He’s Mostly Machine Now, Deathlok Hates Technology

First Appeared in Astonishing Tales #25

Deathlok is always portrayed as a dead human that has been reanimated using advanced cybernetic technology. Sometimes brain-swapping is involved, but that just gets confusing after a while. They each carry an array of advanced weapons and gear, including a laser pistol, a plasma rifle, and a helmet made of adamantium and vibranium, two of the strongest metals in the Marvel universe. It would be interesting to see Deathlok added to the game and each of its iterations getting its own skin.

While there have been more than a few iterations of Deathlok, they are all dangerous and would make a fantastic addition to the Rivals roster. Their powers and technology range, but they are always cyborgs with superhuman abilities, including super-strength, agility, and reflexes. Deathlok has a lot of potential to be a fun Marvel Rivals character who might play somewhere between the Winter Soldier and the Punisher.


Hunger Makes Morbius Wild and Dangerous

First Appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #101

Michael Morbius was a genius scientist with an incredibly rare and fatal blood disease. After trying to cure his condition using bat DNA, he mutated into a living vampire. His sickness went into remission, but now Morbius had a taste for blood that he couldn’t control. Before the movie came out, Morbius was a fan-favorite antihero, and maybe he still is. Either way, players would love to see him in Marvel Rivals.


10 Hardest Marvel Rivals Characters to Master, Ranked

Not every Marvel Rivals character is as easy to learn as Jeff the Land Shark or The Punisher.

As a living vampire, Morbius has most of the powers of his undead counterparts, making him a deadly foe. If the developers had given him the right kit, his powers would have been disruptive, chaotic, and fun to play with. He would have to be able to transform into a bat and fly around the map, maybe similar to how Hela does. In Marvel Rivals, Morbius would most likely be a duelist centered around melee attacks and his vampiric abilities.


The Only Person Who Can Rid the World of Vampires Is Blade

First Appeared in The Tomb of Dracula #10

Like most of Marvel’s other heroes, Blade’s lore is expansive and interesting. While giving birth, his mother was bitten by a vampire, causing certain enzymes to leak into his bloodstream and giving him his supernatural abilities. After being bitten by Morbius, his powers and senses increased dramatically, and he became much closer to a vampire. Blade is one of the most well-known antiheroes, and with a movie supposedly in the works, it only makes sense to increase the hype by adding him to Rivals.

Like Morbius, Blade is an antihero who is also part vampire and endowed with the undead’s strengths and abilities. Blade could be the first vampire added to the Marvel Rivals roster and would likely be a duelist that uses a mixture of melee, whether it be hand-to-hand, or blades, and some sort of pistol or rifle. Blade has an extensive fan base that would love to see their favorite vampire hunter added to Rivals.


Silver Sable Is the Leader of a Team of Lethal Mercenaries

First Appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #265

The Wild Pack is a team of mercenaries led by Silver Sable that tracks down international criminals and brings them to justice one way or another. Silver Sable also runs Sable International, a private military contractor reserved for people willing to pay. The exploits of Silver Sable’s organizations are responsible for driving the economy of the country of Symkaria. Rivals already feature a few master assassins and mercenaries, but they would all have a hard time dealing with Silver Sable.

While Sable doesn’t have any superpowers or abilities to help her take down her opponents, she’s a highly skilled mercenary who has been training her whole life. Silver Sable’s skills would fit perfectly into Marvel Rivals as a duelist. A master combatant, skilled in all manner of weaponry and various martial arts, Silver Sable is one of Spider-Man’s most notable antiheroes and would be a great addition to the Rivals roster.


With the Amount of Tech Cable has, He’s Like a Walking Armory

First Appeared in The New Mutants #86

Cable’s backstory is about as convoluted as it gets, and he is always time-traveling all over the place. He is the son of two incredibly powerful mutants. When he was an infant, he was injected with a techno-organic virus and sent to the future in search of a cure, where he grew into a warrior and enemy of Apocalypse. Cable has the strength and abilities to fit in really well into Marvel Rivals as either a duelist or a vanguard.


10 Best Characters in Marvel Rivals (& Their Lore)

Marvel Rivals has just hit the gaming scene as one of the surprise hits of the year, but of its sizable roster, which characters are the best?

Being from the future, Cable has access to some pretty cool and advanced technology, which could make for a fun moveset in game. He’s also equipped with a robotic arm that gives him advanced strength. This techno-organic eye has a variety of abilities, including firing lasers and a vast array of advanced weaponry. He also has the powers of telekinesis and telepathy. Cable would make a dangerous competitor in any match.


Black Cat Is Marvel’s Most Infamous Antiheroine

First Appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #194

Felicia Hardy decided to follow in her father’s footsteps and take up the role of the costumed thief, the Black Cat. As the Black Cat, she became a primary foe for Spider-Man, but over time, the two started to fall for each other and pursue an on-again, off-again relationship. Black Cat’s relationship with Spider-Man and other heroes could lead to some dynamic Marvel Rivals team-up abilities.

Black Cat is a master thief with expert combat skills, making her a strong contender for the Rivals roster. She has trained extensively in various fighting styles and acrobatics and wields razor-sharp claws. Her unique ability to manipulate probability fields and cause enemies to experience “bad luck” makes her a threat to anyone nearby, let alone an opponent. If the developers were to integrate this ability, Black Cat could become an overpowered yet incredibly fun character to play.


Nobody Can Escape Ghost Rider’s Penance Stare

First Appeared in Marvel Spotlight #5


10 Obscure Characters That Should Be Added To Marvel Rivals

Lesser-known heroes and villains should have a chance to gain more recognition by being added to the playable roster.

While there have been a few different Ghost Riders over the years, their powers are relatively similar, and each iteration of the character obtained their power differently. Some made a deal with the Devil, others were possessed by a maniacal killer, and others had the Spirit of Vengeance thrust upon them in an ancient ritual. Ghost Rider has such a unique concept and design that fans would love to see how that’s translated into Marvel Rivals.

Ghost Rider typically wields a mystical chain capable of cutting through nearly anything and has the ability to manifest hellfire. Their vehicle, be it a motorcycle or another form of transportation, takes on a hellish appearance and bonds with the rider. However, their most powerful weapon is the Penance Stare, which would ideally serve as their ultimate ability in the game. While their ride likely wouldn’t appear in the game, Ghost Rider would still make a strong and resilient vanguard.


There Is No Better Known Antihero than Deadpool

First Appeared in The New Mutants #98

Wade Wilson had a pretty wild life before he even got his powers, jumping from various military programs and journeying the world. When he finally joined the Weapon X program, he was given a healing factor that halted the progression of his cancer. Afterward, while being treated in hospice, Wilson was subjected to the torment of a sadistic scientist and his assistant.

The merc with a mouth is Marvel’s most infamous and beloved antihero, and fans are absolutely itching for Deadpool to join Marvel Rivals‘ hero pool. Deadpool is the multiverse jumper and has nearly unlimited iterations, which means there are plenty of variants to use for cosmetics. Although he is highly mentally unstable and unpredictable, he is a master assassin and an extraordinary martial artist. His skills, combined with his astonishing healing factor, would make him a nearly unstoppable duelist in Rivals.

“}]] Anti-heroes provide some of the most interesting and entertaining stories in comic books and fans would love to see more of them added to the roster.  Read More  
